The Illuminist

As an Advanced Four Winds Natural Medicine Health Coach, Joshua bridges The Union of the Opposites, combined with ancient wisdom and with modern neuro-science within these sessions, upgrading the luminous energy field, which is the aura and matrix that surrounds all living beings encoded with how you will age, heal and die, and switches off the genes creating pathology to switch on the longevity genes and create the conditions for health. Inspired by world renowned Dr. Alberto Villoldo Four Winds Society.

Throughout these sessions you will also be educated on how our brains have been damaged by toxins, heavy metals, and stress, and how to repair this damage so that you can attain the clarity necessary to create psychosomatic health. You’ll also learn to use superfoods and neuro-nutrients to switch on the longevity genes, repair mitochondria, and have your healthspan equal your lifespan.

These sessions include advanced shamanic tracking techniques for working with complex energy medicine issues, including psycho-spiritual dynamics, karmic drama and ancestral karma. Advanced soul and destiny retrieval incorporate advanced shamanic techniques for cutting cords and psychic entanglements with others, liberating the soul from unconscious patterns, soul ties and soul rescue. These sessions will support you to create new mythic maps of healing, that will allow you to navigate skilfully through your crisis into a flourishing life, setting you free from history by creating new and more original stories for yourself. These sessions also incorporate Grief & Trauma Counselling, Crisis Intervention, Mental Health Counselling and Addiction Counselling.


Advanced Four Winds Shamanic tracking techniques for working with complex energy medicine issues, including psycho - spiritual dynamics, karmic dramas and ancestral karma. Create new mythic maps to healing that will allow you to navigate skilfully through your crisis into a flourishing life. Advanced tracking in soul and destiny retrieval, incorporating advanced techniques for cutting cords and psychic entanglements with others, and how to be set free from history by creating new and more original stories for yourself. Advanced healing work to liberate the soul from unconscious patterns, soul ties and soul rescue. These sessions also offer Grief & Trauma Counselling, Crisis Intervention and Mental Health Counselling.




 VortexHealing® is a Divinely channeled healing system and energy healing therapy, channeled by Divine Intelligence. This therapy assists humans to wake up from the Veils and conditioned consciousness and to experience Oneness with Divinity. During these sessions, Divine intelligence will guide Joshua to track and clear energy blockages in the various energy systems and go to the root of physical health issues and transform the roots of emotional consciousness.




Neuro-Androgyny® brings changes in the inner brain structure and brain system through re- patterning, reuniting and resurrecting Ardhanareeshwara, our inner anima and animus and awakening the opposites within. Where the brain divides lies the Gate of Androgyny. As we naturally awaken the Androgynous Kundalini through the pain body, the subconscious aspect of our consciousness get illuminated and awakens us to a higher cognitive intelligence that opens our consciousness to altered states of awareness. This brings forth the new human brain - uniting the opposites within and awakening your genius codes and the transcended state of the brain - Neuro-Androgyny®.





As an Illuminist, Joshua has the ability to illuminate the awakened Androgynous Kundalini into the aspects of self that dwell in separation consciousness. His gift is to illuminate Divine Intelligence as the Primordial Androgyne into the Kundalini energy system and the physical body system , which he coins as ‘Oneness Asleep Within’, and awakens the dormant potential of the sacred unification and alchemical inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Specialised sessions to support the body during the New Cycle to transform the sexual energy into spiritual light and preparing the body resistance to hold the union of the two poles who have never separated in Spirt. The primordial Androgynous state will bring back home all aspects of self dwelling in separation consciousness. The Androgynous Keys® bridges the integrated androgynous state into the body and brain consciousness and gives the soul an evolutionary boost to awaken the secrets of creation by awakening Sacred Androgyny - Ardhanarishvara, making the two poles conscious within by rewiring the brain system back to it’s ultimate destiny - to be Androgynous.





An opportunity to work with Joshua on a more personal 1-1 basis. This personal mentoring program is for those wishing to commit to be in service by mastering and evolving the inner Androgynous Kundalini. These mentoring sessions combines the technology of Androgynous Keys® and Neuro-Androgyny® assisting to prepare the body to become a holy communication portal - awakening your highest expression on a soul level and to return to Primordial perfection, wholeness and the unconditioned state before any separation was made, returning to become Androgynous and in service for the liberation of all humanity. The secrets of creation are within the Androgynous Keys® and Neuro - Androgyny®. This mentoring program is for dedicated and committed souls who are ready to evolve through the many facets of the human shadow, to awaken the cosmic powers of the Androgynous Kundalini and learning how to redirect consciousness as a means to awaken the creative and sacred powers of Kundalini.


This online group mentoring program meets regularly to focus on the natural raising of the Androgynous Kundalini and awakening of one’s own Creation Energy as a Conscious Creator by addressing various self limitations and restrictions that may be blocking the flow of one's own expression and the Suppression and repression of Androgynous Kundalini Energy - The Divine Asleep within us. Includes introduction to Sexual Energy Yoga techniques to awaken the spiritual technology in the body to embody Zero Point Field Consciousness and become the “still point” within. This mentoring program are designed for those wanting to shed light on the false light of sexual energy and the transformation of human consciousness to the highest consciousness through an embodiment process.

When Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Unite, and Become One, The Divine Couple within us gives birth to the Seed of Creation, our expression. This mentoring will support the union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within and then take it to the next level - to birth your unique seed of expression and to embody one's essence through the Trinity, through the Voice and Word, allowing the Body to become a Sacred and Holy Communication Portal and a conduit for the God-force to use one as a pure and authentic channel for the light.


 “THE Androgynous Kundalini holds hidden healing powers that rebalances our inner yin/female and yang/male energies and awakens neuro-Androgyny® - moving us into a state of harmonious equilibrium on a neurobiological level.”

Joshua Maree

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