The Illuminist

ABOUT Unity consciousness

From Oneness Asleep to Divinity Awake.

A new paradigm of embodied kundalini dawns. The New Cycle is the transformation of Creation Energy into Spiritual Light, this inner holy water the water bearer carries is the work of kundalini and brings the blessings of The Holy Spirit - Love Molecule. Androgynous Keys® is an aspect and specific function of the original Divine Mothers womb/matrix from which we are born/reborn to embody the Androgenic State. Androgynous keys® hold the immaculate sacred geometrical patterning of cosmic kundalini intelligence, breaking down all illusions to zero – to the point of primordial darkness and emptiness, merging us with the true nature of reality. These keys re- pattern, reunite and resurrect us as Ardhanarishwara, regaining consciousness of embodied divine androgyny on a transpersonal and neuro-biological level for humanity. The Androgynous Keys® bridge the androgynous state into clients consciousness and give the soul an evolutionary boost to awaken the sacred androgyny - Ardhanarishvara. The Androgynous Kundalini becomes the vehicle that purifies, unifies and balances the seemingly opposing forces of masculine and feminine. The embodiment of Transcended Kundalini Dissolves the illusions of our inner separation and births oneness with the Divine.



Union of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

The One which contains the Two holds the keys to awaken Sacred Union within oneself. The Union takes place through an inner Alchemical Wedding - The Marriage of the Inner Polarities. We need to become in union inside of us first, before we can materialise a sacred union between masculine and feminine in a sacred relationship. The Inner Sacred Union is the Reunion of Spirit and Body and the resurrection of the United Eternal Body through the complete regeneration of Consciousness. This occurs by healing the inner female and male principle, along with the healing and reintegration of the inner fragmentations that caused this split.



The New Cycle Dawns

Unity Consciousness, deepens an awareness of “every two, being actually one”. Where once was the inner and the outer, the Self and the non-Self, the absolute and the relative, the eternal and the temporal - there is now only One. There is no other, one experiences being part of a single encompassing state.

This New Era will birth the World of Reunion, a return to this embodied awareness, a return to unity consciousness, a world ruled by awareness, information and energy. This cycle is different to the many cycles before that humankind has experienced, it is during this age the remembrance of our Androgynous State is destined to be embodied if we so choose, so that regardless of gender, each individual can develop their feminine side of the creative, intuitive, nurturing and compassionate, along with their masculine side of the rational, disciplined, forward thinking and directive way of living.

This process of individuation supports us to understand and embody the totality of our nature, both feminine and masculine qualities within, a merging of the ego and soul. This is “Eden”, a state of lived reality that can be accessed within our bodies. Rather than ascending up and out of the body, this age calls us to descend deeply into the body to go through a process of deep alchemical purification of our shadow as the kundalini naturally awakens revealing our souls gifts and wounds, integrating the aspects of the anima and animus, our masculine and feminine inherent nature, so we may unlock the door back to this internal space within the mind and body - the future brain of Neuro Androgyny®. 

Androgynous Keys®  naturally support this process of kundalini awakening that transcends and unites these opposites within, bringing forward a new way of relating to oneself, others, Mother Earth and the cosmos - an all encompassing awareness of unity consciousness.

When we tap into this, we feel inspired to dedicate our lives to the embodiment of our true nature, synthesising earth (matter) and heaven (spirit) within, so we can walk the path of unity consciousness, connected to the sacredness of all of life, the environment, plants and animal kingdom, knowing it’s all connected to God. When we go to war towards another, we are ultimately going to war towards a part of our own nature. Unity consciousness supports us to respect that each person has a unique expression and potential, and this is as God intended for it to be, we are able to live in harmony then for the universal aspirations of humanity, whilst respecting each individuals free will and choice to choose whether they wish to live in alignment or not with the harmony of these laws in the universe.




“Androgynous Keys® hold the immaculate sacred geometrical patterning of cosmic kundalini intelligence, breaking down all illusions to zero – to the point of primordial Darkness, merging with our Great Mother. These keys re- pattern, reunite and resurrect us as Ardhanarishwara, regaining consciousness of embodied divine androgyny on a transpersonal and neuro-biological level for humanity.”

Joshua Maree

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